Bore and spring water supplies often appear clear and taste pure. These below ground water supplies may contain dissolved impurities that should be tested for to ensure the water is safe for drinking and/or for use on farms. To address any water issues with bore and spring water supplies, we first require a water test to establish any contaminants present before recommending the most suitable water treatment system. A list of the possible contaminants is outlined below.
Discoloured or dirty water
Blockage of dishwasher and washing machine filters
Low pH
High copper levels
Blue/green staining
Corrosion of fittings and piping, burst hot water cylinder
Hair colour takes on green tinge
Black/brown staining
Black bits
Iron taste and smell
Coliforms or E. coli Bacteria
Ongoing sickness, upset stomach or general unwellness
Scaling of hot water cylinder or kettle
Difficulty lathering soap
White stains on glassware and windows
Only detectable by testing
Causes Methaemaglobinaemia (“Blue baby” syndrome)
We have both whole house and under bench filtration options available depending on water quality and individual needs. Contact us for further information and on the procedure for taking a water test sample. Specific laboratory containers are provided for water test samples which can be obtained from us.
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